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Smoking Man - Raeuchermaennle
The earliest smokers were made in the 1600s, carved from a single piece of wood and made into tiny figurines resembling German villagers. Even during the Swedish invasion in the 1600s, the tradition was never lost. Those who remained in the area turned their focus to making the German smokers, along with a number of other popular German handmade toys and ornaments. Many of the best known carving companies in the Erzgebirge area are still making smokers today.
A German smoker is much more than a simple toy that sits on your mantle during Christmas time. It's also an incense burner that is used to symbolize the gift of incense brought to Jesus by the Three Wise Men.
For centuries, incense has been seen as a treasured commodity and used for trade and as a way to honor the king. Incense was also believed to have medicinal and healing properties and used to ward off evil spirits.
Frankincense and Myrrh, which was presented to Jesus as a gift of honor from the Magi, were known to have antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties and were considered an effective remedy for many common ailments.
Today, these gifts are still celebrated in Germany during the twelve days of Christmas festivities.
How does a smoking man work ? Most figurines come apart at the waist. You light an incense cone, which just smolders. Set it in the designated place, put the top half of the figurine back into place, and watch the smoke come out of the mouth!